woensdag 31 oktober 2007

Youth detention facility adds to Iraqis misery

As if it not was enough that the Iraqis lost their family members, homes, jobs, human rights and basically their lives. There is a new misery adding to the daily lives of the Iraqis. Iraqi youths are being detained without knowing for what crime they are charged with. According to an ABC report there was an enormous increase of detainees in the prisons since the US surge began early this year. Numbers increased from 250 in May to 800 till now. Most of the detainees are Sunnis. The ages of the children that are detained are between 11 and 17 years old. Allegations range from theft to murder.

My opinion

I think that the suffering of the Iraqi citizens is already terrible. An innocent child detained for months or maybe years is in my point of view very shameful. These children in this situation don’t even now why they are here as well as what their actions were for being in this horrible situation. They do not even know when their trial is, that is if they have committed a crime let alone the question is if they even get a trial. I think that these children are victims of the new Iraq order. It is a bit suspicious that mainly Sunni Arabs are held in captivity. The U.N should take actions to solve this ongoing problem.


1 opmerking:

Otman zei

It is I really sad to see those young children in prison, especially when they are innocent. And even if they were guilty, I still would not say they belong in there. We all have a picture of what happens in Iraqi prisons. Torture and abuse is a common thing in there.